Constitution May 2007
1. Name :
The Association will be known as the Puckane Development Association hereafter referred to as the PDA
2. Legal Entity
The Association will be incorporated as a company limited by guarantee and this constitution will be subject to complimentary
to the articles and memorandum of association.
3. Mission Statement :
Our mission is to further promote the interests of our thriving North Tipperary Village, through our members getting actively
involved in the work needed to ensure the healthy and responsible growth of our Village and it's surround's. We strive to
make a difference by highlighting relevant issues, discussing them and acting in unison upon association decisions.
4. Objectives :
The purpose of Puckane Development Association is to ensure that Puckane grows in a sustainable and sensitive manner
5. Membership :
Any Person wishing to join the PDA who satisfy the following minimum criteria as set out below shall be eligible to seek membership
of the Association. Members must be able to dedicate enough time to participate and make a difference in the organisation.
i) Is a resident of Puckane and district.
ii) If not resident of Puckane and district have a child attending Puckane National School.
iii) Annual Membership fee to be decided by the executive committee shall be paid per household and each adult member
of that household shall be admitted to membership on application.
iv) Senior Citizens are not required to pay a membership fee but may become members by application.
v) Applications for membership shall be decided by the executive of the PDA and all applicants will be acknowledged.
vi) Decisions regarding membership as per parts (i) to (v) shall rest with the PDA executive and their decision on
this matter shall be final.
vii) Applicants outside parts (i) to (ii) shall be decided upon by the executive committee
6. The Executive Committee :
The executive Committee of the PDA shall be made up of a maximum of 14 members
6.1 The AGM shall elect an executive Committee by secret ballot
6.2 Each member shall have one vote
6.3 Members of the executive shall be drawn from PDA membership
6.4 A minimum of 5 persons and a maximum of 14 shall be required to form an executive under this constitution
6.5 The executive committee shall fill any vacancy by co-option with regard to the requirements of this constitution
6.6 The executive committee may appoint sub-groups of the Association for any purpose it deems fit from time to time
6.7 The Executive Committee elected at subsequent AGM’s shall consist of a Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, Secretary,
Treasurer and Public Relations Officer as well as other additional members in compliance with 6.4
6.8 Any Officer or Executive Committee members who absent himself/herself from 3 consecutive meetings without forwarding
an apology and reason to the Secretary or Chairperson, shall cease to be a member of the executive committee. The executive
may fill the vacancy by co-option
6.9 If a Chairperson resigns during periods of Office or is dismissed by vote of two-thirds of the executive of the
association, the vice chairperson shall automatically become chairperson of the association and the vacant position of vice-
chairperson arising there from, must be filled by the executive committee within 3 months.
6.10 A person shall not be eligible for election as Chairperson of the Association at a third successive AGM
6.11 A person ceasing to be a member of the Executive committee through not being elected at the AGM or otherwise ceases
to be a member of the Executive committee shall be replaced by nomination by the current executive committee.
7. Meetings of the Executive :
7.1 The May 13th 2007 meeting of the PDA shall adopt this constitution and current executive members shall be ratified
to carry out the business of the Association
7.2 The Executive Committee of the PDA should, in as far as possible, meet at a regular date on a monthly basis except
for a month in which the Annual general Meeting takes place or during Christmas or Summer Holiday Month(s). As a minimum the
executive shall meet on six occasions during a calendar year outside the Annual General Meeting.
7.3 At least 7 Days written notice should be given of all scheduled meetings to include a meeting agenda
7.4 This agenda shall be dealt with before any other business is discussed
7.5 The Chairperson, in consultation with either Secretary, Treasurer or PRO, shall be empowered to call a special
meeting at short notice for any urgent purpose having done everything possible to notify all members and/or executive members
of it, but shall only discuss the matter for which the meeting was called.
7.6 Each meeting of the executive committee shall be conducted within two hours period, with the Chairperson having
the discretion to extend this maximum by fifteen minutes. Otherwise the maximum length of any meeting can only be extended
in accordance with the wishes of two thirds of those members in attendance.
7.7 All votes at all meetings must have the support of a simple majority except as stated otherwise herein.
7.8 Forty percent of the membership of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum while a quorum for a general
meeting shall be 25 percent of the general membership
7.9 With the permission of the executive committee, any person or persons shall be given the right to attend/address
a meeting and take part in discussion but shall not be given voting rights.
7.10 The Secretary must call a special meeting of the general membership if requested in writing by thirty percent
of the total membership to do so and must give seven days notice in writing to all members.
8. Powers of the Executive :
8.1 The executive Committee shall have powers to open and operate bank accounts on behalf of the Association with two
signatories to each relevant transaction being nominated by the executive committee
8.2 The Executive Committee subject to restrictions and conditions contained in this constitution shall have the power
of contractual capacity on behalf of the association and the authority to exercise it.
8.3 Nominations by the Association to any other body or committee or board shall be the responsibility of the executive
9. Annual General Meeting :
9.1 Within 6 Calendar Months of the May 13th 2007 meeting or each following Annual General Meeting at least one Annual
general Meeting shall take place.
9.2 The Annual General meeting must take place within Fourteen Months of the previous Annual General meeting and not
before 11 months has passed from the date of such previous meeting.
10. Finance :
10.1 The Treasurer shall keep account of all income and expenditure and shall prepare accounts for the AGM.
10.2 All accounts shall be verified by an auditor to be appointed by the PDA
10.3 The Treasurer shall open a bank account in the name of the Puckane Development Association. All Cheques shall
be signed by two of the three named people. The Chairperson shall be sent a duplicate bank statement.
10.4 The Treasurer will arrange the collection of the fee in respect of each membership and keep a record of paid memberships.
10.5 The Treasurer shall give a written statement of all accounts at all executive meetings and at the AGM
11 General :
The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Executive Committee, General and Special meetings and shall also be given notice in
accordance with this constitution.
The Treasurer shall give a written statement of accounts at all Executive meetings and the AGM.
12. Amendments to Constitution :
This Constitution shall be adopted on May 13th 2007 and can be amended or added to from time to time by the Annual General
Meeting or extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose so long as a copy of the amendment is circulated to all members,
together with the notice of the meeting, at least fourteen days prior to said meetings. In order for any change to take place
to the Constitution, any proposed amendment must be passed by two thirds of the eligible members present and entitled to vote
at the relevant Annual General Meeting or extraordinary Meeting
This Constitution was agreed and adopted on Sunday May 13th 2007.
2008 Committee :
Chairperson : Will Hogan
Vice-Chairperson : Bernie Craughan
Treasurer : Olive Grey
Secretary : Tara Barry
PRO : Sean Fay
Daniel Hackett
Jos Fitzgearld
Aidan Cleary
Bernie Foley/Hogan
Declan Flannery