February 16th 2006
To : Mr. Tom Barry - Director of Planning and Community and Enterprise
Dear Mr. Barry,
I am writing to you as Chairman of the Puckane Development Association to document the objections of our members to the
Revised Western Local Area Plan. ( hereafter referred to as the " The Plan ".
The PDA recognise and support the need for development to occur within the Village but in a sustainable and balanced
way. Following on from our original submission The PDA adamantly object to " the Plan ". We see it as both unbalanced
and unsustainable and contrary to both the Bruntland Report 1987 and Local Agenda 21 referred to in the " Vision for
North Tipperary " Chapter 2 of the County Development Plan 2004 -2010.
Our main objections to the plan proposed for Puckane can be summarised under the following headings.
1.0 Scale :
The amount of land proposed for rezoning ( 68 acres approx ) in the plan is sufficient to permit the development of well
in excess of 252 ( 4 units per acre ) houses as a minimum and 544 ( 8 Units per acre ) as a maximum if developed in accordance
with the Low Density Residential Guidelines for planning authorities as prescribed in section 8.4.2 of the plan. Development
on such a scale would result in approx a 400% increase in the number of dwellings in the village, in comparison to a 14.5%
increase between 1996 -2002 ( source - North Tipp Dev Plan 2004 ) and would have a detrimental effect on the Village and
Community of Puckane which is one of the few remaining unspoilt tourist destinations along the River Shannon and of North
2.0 The lack of Information provided for in the plan
The level of detail provided in the plan is completely insufficient. For example:
2.1 No detail is given on how the infrastructure of the village will cope or be upgraded to support the potential increase
in the number of houses and population of the village.
2.2 No detail is given on the likely demands on the local infrastructure provision resulting from the development of
the lands zoned in the plan, including water supply, road and footpath infrastructure, foul and surface water drainage and
power supply.
2.3 The likely demand for local amenities and facilities resulting from the development of the zoned lands including
shops, school, play facilities and the likely impact the provision of such facilities will have on the character of the village
and surrounding environment.
2.4 Foul and Surface Water Treatment : Consideration of the requirement for the plan to ensure that development of the
zoned lands does not take place until a program is in place for the foul and surface water where such is to be provided by
the local authority in Puckane or until a study is undertaken on the likely environmental impact on Ground and surface water
in the case of on-site treatment works within each development, especially with regard to the National Heritage Area at Poullawee
which takes our treated effluent . Taking account of the seriousness of these issues we would request that an Environmental
Impact Report be prepared to mitigate fears of the local community. The results of this report needs to be communicated with
the local community, and should be a pre requisite to any development.
2.5 The possibility of introducing development phases into the plan, in so far as a second/later phase of the development,
to be proposed only after the construction of lands closer to the village centre is underway.
3.0 The Basis for the Plan :
There is no basis provided for to support the plan proposed, other than the population projections outlined in section
3.2.3 which estimate a 6.05% population increase during the period of the plan to 2011. This 6.05% projection is completely
at odds with the proposal to rezone enough land in Puckane to enable a 400% population increase. Indeed based on the 6.05%
projected population increase and another balanced 6.05% for in-migration the housing stock of Puckane should increase by
maximum of 13 units. We also have environmental concerns with the increase in vehicular traffic generated by the increase
of zoned land in the plan. ( see reference to Environmental Impact Report )
The Local Authority Councilors did not engage in any meaningful follow up consultation with the local community concerned
and indeed failed to facilitate a scheduled meeting with the local community on Thursday 16th Feb.
Based on these points outlined above the members of the Puckane Development Association are adamant that this amended
plan, as drafted not be ratified. However, we are eager to engage with North Tipperary County Council in a collaborative process
to revise the plan to a version that addresses the needs and concerns of both parties.
4.0 Development Control / Design Guidelines :
4.1 We would require a critique of the likely effectiveness of the proposed residential development control guidelines to
ensure the intended appropriate and sensitive development of Puckane. This critique should include a comprehensive Village
Design Statement ( VDS ) to be agreed with PDA prior to adoption by the Council.
4.2 We would insist upon protection of the Architectural Heritage quality of Puckane Village.
5.0 Proposed Master Plans :
5.1 All zoned areas shall be subject to Master Plans, before a planning application is lodged the master plan shall be submitted
to the planning authority, the PDA shall be consulted in respect of the proposed Master Plans when prepared and submitted
5.2 The PDA would seek the requirement of the three-dimensional and drawing based master plan format to accompany any
planning application within the designated area so as to ensure the careful and appropriate design of the proposed zoned
5.3 A review of the settlement plan shall take place following a period of 18 months. This review will establish the
level of growth and the general pattern of development that has taken place. The review will be subject to input by the PDA.
It is anticipated that the level of residential growth would reflect the organic growth of the village, and where the level
of growth is considered excessive it will be taken into account during the review process.
5.4 The PDA would seek that all proposed developments comply with all applicable rules and regulations in regard
to " Sight line's " for ingress and egress access requirements. We would ask that all speed limit signs not be moved
without detailed and timely consultation.
6.0 Visual and Physical Impact on the Landscape.
The PDA require a Landscape and Visual Assessment Report on the suitability of lands within the village for development.
7.0 Upkeep and Maintenance : Who will be Responsible ?
7.1 Consideration of ensuring development contributions or other mechanisms from all future developments to improve and maintain
the public amenity and recreation areas.
It would be inappropriate to sanction the plan, until such time as the concerns of the PDA are addressed, and we reserve
the right to retain the services of a professional consultant if deemed necessary. The PDA are adamant that the plan should
be revised to make it more prescriptive, and in doing so address in a transparent and resolute manner the issues outlined
above and the concerns of the community.
The PDA wish to thank you in advance of your time spent reviewing this submission.
Yours Sincerely,
_________________ .
Will Hogan , Puckane, Nenagh, County Tipperary. (087) 2549010
Sean Fay, 1 Ballycraggan, Puckane, Nenagh, County Tipperary (087) 9882313
Puckane Development Association.
Website Link http://www.puckane.net/
Cc. Tom Berkery; Phyll Bugler; John Carroll ; Sean Creamer ; Tom Harrington; Mattie Ryan; John Sheehy ; Marie Hoctor;
Administrative Office Planning Section North Tipperary County Council.