Policy: Puckane
It is the policy of the Council to provide
zoned land for residential use and specific sites selected for mixture of residential uses and other village uses. An overall
plan shall be prepared by the developer for each site before making a planning application to conform to the following;
Master Plan 1: Land opposite Cuan Derg
The master plan for the area
opposite Cuan Derg estate will provide for village centre, social and public use and low density residential development as
Village centre commercial and
residential development on land zoned for village centre;
This may form a single building
or a new streetscape;
Provision for the development
of 4 acres for a social and public area suitable for a future school, recreational and leisure facilities;
A link road through the development
on the western side of the school; and
Provide low density housing
on the remaining part of the master plan.
Master Plan 2: Village
To provide small cluster style housing
development, designed around a park-village green.
Master Plan 3 Dromineer Road
To provide a low-density cluster development
on 10.5 acres of land situated west of the GAA pitch on the Dromineer Road as follows:
To provide 20% serviced sites as part of
low density housing. Housing shall be single storey to protect views to and from the lake.
To provide an internal access
road via the open space/amenity area and reserve an access to the rear of the GAA pitch to link with the tennis courts; the
open space shall be provided as part of the overall master plan and as a community benefit.
to provide an open space/park
as part of the development;
the overall layout housing to
be designed to arcadian principles, such that all boundaries forward of the dwellings shall be soft landscaping and not concrete
walls, with internal roads designed to be rural in character.
To provide road widening, footpath
and public lighting along the Dromineer Road to link to the village centre
Plan 4: Nenagh Road Neighbourhood
It is
the policy of the council to zone lands west of the R493 and south of Puckane village for a mixture of low-density residential
and other uses to provide for the development of a new village neighbourhood. A master plan shall be prepared by the developer
and agreed by the planning authority for the area outlined in attached Map. The master plan shall provide for the following:
A New Residential Neighbourhood reflecting a rural village which shall be distinctive and definitive in character and
will provide for the following:
Distinct Sense of
Place – significant extension to the village with a distinctive rural identity; (ii) house designs shall be subject
to agreed design statement; (iii) the layout shall provide for three distinct elements, phase 1 shall form a village streetscape
layout at the entrance, phase 2 shall be low density streets and phase 3 shall be low-density Arcadian. Refer to Appendix
1 of the County Development Plan 2004 and case studies 10, 11 and 13 set out in the Essex Design Guidelines. Phase 1, 2 and
3 shall provide for landscaped boundaries forward of the building line and limited use of stone walls. Concrete walls will
be resisted in the overall design; (iv) a large amenity area which shall be planted as woodland with linear park and walkway
on the eastern edge; (v) a variety of house types and densities (although overall low density), including (a) provision of
social, affordable and shelter housing in accordance with the County Housing Strategy; (vi) the creation of a variety of functional
and supervised public spaces that interconnect with adjacent lands;
2. Provide community facilities as follows: (i) an area for small employment units; (ii) a 3 acre site for a new
school of future, a site for a community facility; and (iii) supporting services such as crèche and equipped playground.
3. Prior to development taking place the developer shall provide the following necessary infrastructure; (i) a
footpath with public lighting linking the development to the village; (ii) A foul sewer connection to the village treatment
plant; and (iii) upgrading of the village treatment plant. Items (i) to (iii) to be agreed with Roads and Water Services Section
of the Council.
Master Plan 5: Cluster
To provide a low-density cluster development
as follows:
(i) to provide an
internal access road via the open space/amenity area to access land to the southeast;
(ii) To provide 20%
serviced sites as part of low-density housing
(iii) to provide a
open space/park as part of the development;
(iv) the overall layout
housing to be designed to arcadian principles, such that all boundaries forward of the dwellings shall be soft landscaping
and not concrete walls, with internal roads designed to be rural in character.
Master Plan 6: Council
To provide a mixture of commercial and
low-density housing development as follows:
to provide a single access road
off the Dromineer Road or upgraded access via Cuan Derg;
to provide a small open space/park
as part of the development;
the overall layout housing to
be designed such that all boundaries forward of the dwellings shall be soft landscaping and not concrete walls;
the nature of the proposed commercial
development shall be compatible with the adjacent housing.
To provide road widening, footpath
and public lighting along the Dromineer Road to link to the village centre
Development of the village will be encouraged
in accordance with the sequential principle.
The provision of a VDS shall be prepared
and agreed between the Local Authority and the developer by way of public workshops between residents and the local community,
the Puckane Development Association and the Local Authority. When prepared, planning applications will be required to conform
to the guidance contained in the VDS.
Specific Objectives:
To provide and improve roads,
footpaths, traffic calming, public lighting and signage within the village as finances allow and as developments take place.
To provide new and improved footpaths on the Urra Road from the Cuan Deirg housing to the junction with the R493. To extend
this footpath to Killdangan GAA club and Ballycraggan as part of new development along the Urra Road. Development on sites
MP1 and MP3 will be required to make a special contribution to this required infrastructure.
To protect and enhance the character
of the approach roads to the village. In particular, to preserve the character of the northern approach road including the
earthen banks, mature trees and stone walls.
To provide and improve linkages
via new access roads and footpaths as part of new development.
To provide village green/parks
as part of new development. In addition to minimum open space requirements, residential and commercial developments must provide
a village green area to be a minimum area of 0.3 hectares.
Design an environmental improvement
scheme for the village centre to provide, footpaths, parking storm-water drainage, landscaping, lighting and street furniture.
To restrict future access points
along the southern approach road on the R493 because of poor horizontal and vertical alignment.
To provide for new streetscape
as part of new village centre development to provide and enhance village character.
To provide a new access road
as part of low-density housing to open land behind the GAA pitch and link with the existing tennis courts.
To provide a new access road
as part of low-density housing to link with lands to the south-east.
Development of lands zoned new
low-density residential at the south western extremity of the village provision of serviced sites and a large centrally overlooked
green space / village green.
To require necessary infrastructure
along the R493 and L5006 as part of master plans, including (i) a footpath with public lighting linking the developments to
the village. (ii) A foul sewer connection to the village treatment plant; and (iii) upgrading of the village treatment plant.
Items (i) and (iii) to be agreed with Roads and Water Services sections of the Council.
The existing school is at capacity
and is land locked and not capable of being extended. It is an objective of the plan to provide for a future school site within
master plan MP3.
The existing sewerage treatment
plant is at capacity and will require an upgrade to accommodate the planned expansion of the village. Developers will be required
to enter partnerships towards the provision of an improved facility. This may be dealt with through a number of options that
include a public private partnership, a serviced land initiative or through special development contribution scheme.